Thursday April 30 2020
I did not post yesterday due to not having a computer. I had lasagna and German's chocolate cake for dinner. Someone online asked how many people died of the flu compared to Covid-19. Abut half that many last year, so far: What I think is happening in the US is about 1/3 of the people are afraid to go out of their houses and are doing a good job of sheltering in place. About 1/3 of the people are doing some reduced social contact but still have to go to work and such. About 1/3 of the people are going about doing exactly what they were doing before and completely ignoring any restrictions. I heard someone say that if everyone stopped moving for two weeks the virus would disappear. But if a significant portion of the population keeps moving around then the virus has a chance to continue to spread and basically we trash the economy without getting any of the benefit. I think the US is about to learn a very hard lesson. Most people around here look at New York and think yea...