Thursday May 7 2020
Staying home has been easy for me because I am a technical college instructor and I have been able to teach from home. I do not usually go out much. I enjoy working in my garden. I can design stuff on the computer. It really is not bad for me. I take many precautions to hopefully not catch the virus. We have developed systems for getting the mail and groceries. Anything that would bring us into contact with other people. Most of our shopping is online. My wife drives to the grocery store and they put the groceries into the trunk. Anything that is perishable we wipe off with bleach. Non-perishables sit in the garage for three days. We transfer eggs into a different egg container. Sometimes our daughter brings us groceries. We talk to her from our deck in front of the house. I try to drive the car around once a week to help with the battery, the tires, and the breaks. Get it moving a bit. We are almost out of gas for the lawn mower. I siphoned gas out of the snow thrower into the lawn mower so I would not have to go buy any right away. My original estimation was that we would be able to go out on May 15 but now it looks like it could be years. Luckily all of my classes next semester will be online or hybrid with a day or two on campus, at the end of the semester. My daughter got us some ground beef at Aldi's so my wife made a big batch of chili. We can freeze some of it. I picked a bunching onion from the garden to cut up and put on top as a garnish. I started trying to learn Blender 3D modeling software today.
5000 Americans lost their lives to Covid-19 over the past two days. Save lives. If you can stay home please stay home.
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