Friday May 8 2020
The CDC did not update their Covid-19 page today. There will be a hard frost tonight so we covered the plants again. It is supposed to snow/sleet on Saturday night into Sunday morning. Unfortunately my radishes decided to come up yesterday so I am not sure if they will survive. My wife got groceries today, had them put in the trunk. We cleaned the packages with Clorox wipes before putting them away. I told her to save the wipes. We should be able to clean them and reuse them if we run out. Wisconsin is in pretty good shape having a biotechnology center at Madison where they can manufacture the tests for Covid-19. We are ramping up testing and should be able to meet our goals soon. I hope that Wisconsin will come through this relatively unscathed. The governor acted quickly enough to save the lives of many Wisconsinites.
I heard a rumor that watching Plandemic lowers your IQ by 10 points for every 5 minutes you spend watching it.
The deaths per day in the US continues to be approximately constant at about 2000 resulting in a linear accumulative graph:
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